#37 Family Albums - Memories from childhood to earlier this year

I was walking home from work, listening to
Air, when I found myself in a funk. It happens every two months or so. I'll be minding my own business when my brain reminds me that l'm mortal, and that someday I'll cease to exist. The first time it happened, I was in my early twenties. I was in the shower and the realization hit me so hard that I had to steady myself to keep from keeling over. Fun, eh? Anyway, I trudge home with oblivion on the brain to find a big package from my mom. Inside are all tons of family photos; snapshots of me after my first communion and my many graduations. The pictures contained many people I haven't seen in years and many beloved relatives that are long dead. I'm not sure why, but all those images of places I can't remember and people I'll never see again made me feel better.
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