#31 Crossword Puzzles - Challenging Time Killers

The puzzle in the LA Weekly is a great diversion from work. I can run through the clue list without feeling too guilty about wasting time because, hey, I'm flexing my vocabulary. If you're in need of an ego boost, there's nothing like the feeling of picking up a crappy daily paper or an inflight magazine and powering through the grid without looking back. Most of the time I go for the puzzles found in Los Angeles Times Sunday Magazine and the
New York Times (which pretty difficult depending on the day of the week you're puzzling). Most of these I find quite tough—I can come close, but I rarely complete them.
One thing I've noticed; Most crosswords are featuring less and less opera, mythology and geography and more cinema, pop music and new age-y references. Can it be that Gen-Xers are now the crossword target audience? We really are getting old.
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