Perry Bible Fellowship, a weekly three-panel gem published in
Baltimore City Paper, is the first comic strip I've been truly excited about since
The Maakies. The person responsible for this gorgeous color strip is
Nicholas Gurewitch. His art style is loose, and very expressive -- a distinct departure from the
torso-less 'toons you see in most papers. And the tone of the comic is distinctly morbid. Thankfully, Gurewitch's dark thoughts don't manifest themselves in the
trite imagery of goth culture. The scenery in
Perry Bible Fellowship is generally bright and sunshiney. The hues have a saturated feel, as if the colors are filled in with those multi-colored, fruit flavored markers they hand out at Sunday School. When nihilistic flashes of violence, death and despair seep into the artwork, the results are jarring, thought-provoking and funny.
favorite strip portrays a rocket ship nearly about to crash into a giant "reset" button that floats in space. Life evolves. Cites grow and rockets are invented. The final panel is identical to the first; the spacecraft keeping the infinite loop intact. Not "ha-ha" funny, but certainly right up my alley.