#118 The Best Films of 2003
Some have been calling this an "off" year for the cinema, but some of my favorite films in a long, long time came down the pike this year. Here are my faves in alphabetical order.

City of God: This energetically paced tale of one boy's attempts to escape the poverty-stricken favellas of Brazil is worth a look for it's honest storytelling and amazing soundtrack.

The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King: Who would have thought that Peter Jackson, a Kiwi schlockmeister with a handful of zombie films under his belt, would outdo Spielberg and Lucas with three, unmarred blockbuster fantasy epics? Peter Jackson is now officially a god.

Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World: Peter Wier's take on Patrick O'Brian's Aubrey-Maturin novels is cinematic, gripping and extremely smart. Russell Crowe rises above his annoying press and reminds us why we loved his early acting roles. I pray the film merits a sequel.

Pirates of the Caribbean: Hollywood finally figures out how blockbusters should be made. This appealing slice of action is fun, engaging and imaginative. An off-the-wall performance from Johnny Depp as Captain Jack Sparrow cements his deserved place as one of our generation's great stars.

Winged Migration: The life-or-death transcontinental flights of the world's bird population is documented with miraculous camera work that has to be seen to believed. Of course, this film isn't a documentary in the strictest sense. It's more of a reality/nature show. Check out the supplements on the DVD and you'll see what I mean.
Late Addition:
28 Days Later: What an oversight! Danny Boyle's re-interpretation of the zombie horror film is a serious contender for one of 2003's best.