#44 Half Days - When bosses deign to make long weekends longer.

Yesterday a memo circulated anouncing that our office would be closing at three on Friday. Usually, the folks upstairs let us sweat it out. We grumble that they'd better let us leave early, then when the memo finally comes around just before lunch on Friday, we're all, "Damn straight!" This week marks a strange precedent. The powers that be planned ahead. Not only that, but most of them didn't even come to work today. Maybe they're planning to fumigate the place today.
With the 'rents gone, the whole day could be a freebie but for the fact that I have so much damn work to do. If I was ahead of the game, I'd have downed a couple of beers of the month at Wahoo's, then come back to my office and taken a nap or fooled around with MacMame. I barely had time to rock this post out, but I'm not gonna complain. Very soon I will be free.
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