#22 Grand Theft Auto 3 - The game has finally won me over.

I've had a love-hate relationship with
GTA 3 since the game hit the streets last year. I initially found the play sloppy. The camera was never in the right place. The shaky controls made precision impossible and every mission a bloody mess. I got stuck and put the game to rest. Weeks later I picked it up again and slowly became enamored with exploring the world, completing side missions and hunting down hidden packages. Then I hit another bottleneck. Frustrated, I put the game down again. Recently, I finally beat the main missions...then started a new game, determined to 100% the damn thing this time. I can't figure out what it is brings me come back. Somehow,
Rockstar has lured me in with their crowd-pleasing product, and I hate them for it.
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